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Clear Innovation was formed out of the agriculture industries need for low cost, effective cleaning solutions.  As a result of the experiences of sister companies Ram Mechanical Inc. and Green Source Automation, the Clear Innovation team offers a unique background and knowledge in both industrial and agriculture operations.  This combination of skills and experience allow Clear Innovation to bring new ideas, operational efficiencies, and high level of trust in service that our customers have come to expect.

Clear Innovation is strategically aligned with Ram Mechanical Inc. and Green Source Automation.

Ram Mechanical Inc., a successful industrial contractor, supports some of the largest production facilities in California and beyond.  They also are a global leader in robotic integration and specialized equipment utilized in the bottled water industry.

Green Source Automation is revolutionizing the dairy industry with its product offerings of robotic automation.  Bringing the technology, efficiency, and standards stemmed from automation to the dairy milking process will sustain dairy production into the future.

Clear Innovation and its partners developed the ECALogical production system in tandem with Recon Technology.  Recon Technology developed the ECA production concept, while Clear Innovation developed the production machine known as the ECActive Generating System.

This groundbreaking new technology is a cheaper, faster, greener animal hygiene system.  Clear Innovation sells ECALogical systems, ECActiv, special blended additives for superior agricultural cleaning. We also service agricultural equipment and distribute dairy supplies from Thrifty Dipper, Ambic Equipment Limited, and The Coburn Company, Inc.

From its Ceres, California headquarters, Clear Innovation serves dairies, farms, hatcheries, greenhouses, and nurseries in 13 states: Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and West Kansas.




Toll Free: 855-249-8800

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