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While dairymen are already saving millions of dollars with ECActiv, other industries can benefit as well. The germicidally active, quick-acting ECActiv cleaning solution is a great fit in many agricultural operations.
- Nurseries
- Use ECActiv to reduce mold, algae, and bacteria growth in greenhouses.
- Poultry Hatcheries
- For even the hardest jobs, ECActiv can clean and kill harmful bacteria.
- Food Processing
- ECActiv cleans food processing equipment cheaper, faster, and more effectively than the competition.
- Premise and Equipment Wash
- An affordable cleaner for your entire property. ECActiv offers a quick surface kill that can replace all of your existing cleaners.
- Towel Washing
- Get your towels cleaner than ever, cheaper than ever, using ECActiv as a laundry additive.
- Water Treatment
- Inject ECActiv into your water system for cleaner water and improved flow. ECActiv can be used for iron, manganese, and arsenic remediation – and killing harmful microorganisms.
- Fungicidal Control
- Prevent fungi from growing on your equipment or buildings.
- General Animal Hygiene
- If it needs to be cleaned, ECActiv can do it.
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